Selling A Center
Whether you are ready to sell or in the process of evaluating the benefits of selling your center, the Kids Depot Realty team can provide you guidance and expertise to help you make the best decision. Selling education centers is our business and our specialty!
Our process for Selling Centers includes the proven steps to a successful and financially beneficial process:
Center Evaluation to determine the market value of your business. For more details…
The preparation of a Comprehensive Report that includes a detailed analysis of our evaluation findings, as well as a recommended listing price and a detailed marketing plan for the center(s) and improvements that are deemed as necessary for selling purposes.
Once our team has assembled all of the information needed for a pre-qualified buyer, we will list your business. This includes preparing a comprehensive sales portfolio that includes real estate items such as: deeds, surveys, floor plans, title insurance, employee information, legal, tax, market/commercial and intellectual properties. All of this information is compiled into a marketing portfolio for presentation to interested buyers.
We offer complete and confidential assistance to business owners who are in the market to sell and will match them with buyers that are pre-qualified to buy. If you are in the market to sell a center, the Kids Depot Realty, Inc. experts are ready to help guide you to the right buyer today!