It may surprise you to learn that owning a daycare or childcare center is a great business for military veterans, either leaving the service or retiring after a 20+ year career. The reason is simple — operating a successful preschool business is rooted in processes and procedures.
The daycare center business in Florida has a lot of regulations, from child care, to health and safety to education requirements. There are also requirements for employee documentation, training and certifications and much more. We have found over the years that people with great organizational skills and the ability to create and follow processes and procedures experience excellent success and profitability.
Daycare centers are a business. While everyone involved in a daycare center has a desire to help children and families grow and provide comfort and education, it’s still a business. You can’t provide a great learning and developmental environment if you don’t stay in business. Because military veterans spent so much of their time with organized processes and procedures, yet they also have the ability to think quickly and react to changing circumstances, owning a daycare center, childcare center or preschool can be a very profitable and enjoyable experience.
If you are a military veteran thinking about starting or buying a business, give us a call at (561) 575-9700 or contact us online. The call is free and we can talk about our listings of childcare centers for sale in Florida. Note, not all of our listings appear online, so call us for the latest information.