KDR_Slider__african_american_girl_750pxA Marketing Plan

The Kids Depot Realty, Inc. team will gather all of the information needed for attracting a pre-qualified buyer. This includes preparing a comprehensive sales portfolio that includes real estate items such as:  deeds, surveys, floor plans, title insurance, employee information, legal, tax, market/commercial and intellectual properties.  All of this information is compiled into a marketing portfolio for presentation to interested buyers. Our exclusive marketing plan will target potential buyers in and out of the childcare industry.

The marketing strategy will include marketing tools that utilize both online and traditional channels.  All of our communications are crafted with confidentiality and crafted to target  the intended audience.  We advertise through a variety of mechanisms to maximize exposure for your business. In addition we utilize the online marketing communities – website, email, social media – to reach millions of buyers every day.

We offer marketing expertise to business owners who are in the market to sell and will match them with buyers that are pre-qualified to buy.  If you are in the market to sell a center, the Kids Depot Realty, Inc. experts  are ready to help guide you to the right buyer today!
